Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are your hours of operations?

Adult Day Center: Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Individual & Family Assistance Center: Monday – Friday 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Central Office: Monday – Friday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

2. What are Community Ministries and what is the Association of Community Ministries (ACM)?

Community ministries are not-for-profit service agencies supported in part by churches in their areas to provide services and programs meeting basic human needs. The Louisville Metro area is blessed by 15 separate community ministries working together through the ACM to insure that every resident has a community ministry resource. The ACM as an organization promotes awareness of the available services and to facilitate the work of the various community ministries through collaboration, education, support and fund raising. Community ministries provide a variety of services. The Fern Creek/Highview United Ministries provides the following:

Emergency Aid such as:

  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Dare to Care Food Closet
  • Clothing Vouchers
  • Life Skills Education such as:
    • Resume and job readiness
    • Job networking
    • Computer, budgeting, and parenting classes
  • Senior Adult Services such as:
    • Adult Day Centers
    • Nutrition Center
    • Outreach Services
  • Collaborative Efforts such as:
    • Winterhelp
    • LIHEAP

Click here for more information including members of ACM.

3. What is the difference between Fern Creek Highview United Ministries (FCHUM) and the Fern Creek Ministerial Association (FCHMA)?

FCHUM is the not-for-profit agency supported in part by member churches with the mission to provide programs and services meeting basic human needs of residents in the Fern Creek Highview communities. The FCHMA is the fellowship of ministers of the area churches. The ministers meet monthly on the 4th Thursday for lunch and fellowship, prayer and planning. It was the FCHMA that took the initiative to start FCHUM back in 1988. In addition to supporting the work of FCHUM, the FCHMA also plans the annual Spring Choir Festival bringing area choirs and music groups together for an evening of musical fellowship, an annual Community Thanksgiving service, and on various years a community Handel’s Messiah concert. Traditionally offerings taken at the Choir Festival and Thanksgiving services have been designated to support the work of FCHUM.

4. What do I need to do in order to get financial assistance?

First, contact the Individual and Family Assistance Center (IFAC) at 502-762-9611. Then bring your picture id, social security card for you and other family members, proof of income and proof of residence to our office at 9300 Beulah Church Road in Fern Creek.

5. What do I need to do in order to get food?

Please follow the same procedure as the one for financial assistance, #4 above.

6. What ages does the Adult Day Center (ADC) accept?

Our facility accepts participants 60 years of age and older. Please contact the Adult Day Center for any questions at 502-762-9612.

7. What is the cost of the ADC? Do you accept Medicaid?

A sliding scale fee for qualified applicants is possible when state funding is available. The ADC accepts Medicaid waivers. Medicaid waivers are obtained by contacting a home health care agency. The ADC is also certified for Veteran’s Administration funding. In keeping with our mission to provide affordable services our private pay fee is $70.00 a day. Contact the director 502-762-9612 for additional questions.

8. Do I have to live in Fern Creek or Highview to get services?

There are no geographic restrictions to receive services from the Adult Day Center. For Individual and Family Assistance Center services you must live in either 40291 or 40228 zip codes.

9. Can I get to either the Individual and Family Assistance Center (IFAC) or the Adult Day Center (ADC) by TARC?

The IFAC is located at 9300 Beulah Church Road in Fern Creek.